I work with individuals with a big goal and for whom the impact of making a shift will make a huge difference. Typically this is a career or role change – or often its making the leap to start their own business. Whatever it is, making a personal shift takes conviction, energy and bravery. So if you have the conviction to make that shift and the energy to make it a reality then my sharp, action-focused 4 session coaching programme will help you on the way to get there.  

  • Your Shift Express

You have 4x 45 minute coaching sessions - held weekly for 4 weeks over Google Meet.

Each week has a different focus:

WEEK 1: Plan - gaining clarity on what you want to shift and the impact this will have.

WEEK 2: Probe - gaining understanding of the things that are holding you back and how you can overcome them.

WEEK 3: Promise - commit to how you will make the shift and what you’ll do to make it.

WEEK 4: Pursue - agreement on how you’ll make your shift a thing to last the course.



Working with people in businesses, I believe coaching is at its most effective when there is a coherent problem to solve and a moment of energy to enable it. This maximises the investment of coaching and ensures the coaching is focused, with a clear end goal and neatly time-bound. I offer three levels of service.

  • Big Shifts

>> FOR those new to leadership - or rising stars on that pathway - who want to make their mark and firmly establish their own identity and way.

>> TO develop and own their leadership shift to set themselves and the business up for success.

>> BY having 6x 1-hour coaching sessions, fortnightly over 3 months.

  • Gear Shifts

>> FOR those at a specific, concentrated point of change (e.g. promotion, new role, return to work) where an injection of pace and momentum is needed.

>> TO get those first 90 days right by hitting the ground running and set them (and the business) up for success.

>> BY having 4x 45-minute coaching sessions, weekly over 1 month with 2x follow-on sessions in month 2 and 3.

  • Regular Shifts

>> FOR those businesses that want to open coaching up to more people, more regularly, and spread the impact through their business.

>> TO provide an objective and open space for your people to find their own solutions to their everyday work problems.

>> BY offering 5x 45-minute express coaching sessions in a single day. Service offered monthly or quarterly.

“Throughout my coaching sessions I was well supported to identify areas for improvement, and created clear plans to develop. I also built my confidence and have tried different approaches to work which I previously wouldn’t have considered. whilst at times that felt uncomfortable, it really has helped my development.”

— Emma, Senior Manager

 Making your shift. Together

You can find out more by booking an initial, free 30 minute discussion. We’ll use this time to find out more about each other. You see how I work and what I’m about, I hear about you and the shift/s you’d like to make and I’ll suggest an approach that would work for you.